
EPF Pico Size Oil Blend 1 oz Plant Esters Clove Rosemary Eugenol Thyme

$129.00 inc. tax

EPF(Extensive Protocol Formula) is A New Tool for Alleviating Suffering From Pathogens and Toxins

There has never been a product like Extensive Protocol Formula before. It helps with one of mankind's biggest health challenges — which is that pathogens (and the toxins they generate) have been the cause of more human suffering than any other environmental factor mankind has faced from the beginning of time. As a human race, in the last century, we have seen great progress in our ability to avoid microorganism suffering, primarily through habits of sanitation and external cleanliness and the use of antibiotic medications. Extensive Protocol Formula adds a new ability — the ability to dissolve pathogens and their deposited toxins. We this new ability we have added a monumentally important tool to mankind’s arsenal for supporting health, by assisting the body in undoing damage from debilitating microscopic organisms. We invite you to learn more!

Extensive Protocol Formula Is The Ultimate Human Body Detoxifier — Adapted From an Industrial Detergent Used to Dissolve Oil-Slicks

  • Extensive Protocol Formula was originally designed for remediation of oil slicks and tar pits — the liquid would be sprayed onto an oil slick or tar pit, which would subsequently dissolve into its constituent atoms which would disappear in a watery slurry.
  • Later on, it was adapted to dissolve organic contaminants existing within the human body. This includes dissolving endotoxins and pathogens. Thus, Extensive Protocol Formula is a new tool for helping to rid the body of organic toxins, viruses, bacteria, mycoplasms and fungi.

Extensive Protocol Formula consists of recombined, pico-sized plant oils and plant esters. To make Miror Extensive Protocol Formula, the plant esters and herbal oils are first pico-sized (pico means one trillionth of a meter) and then re-combined in such a way that the product acts not only as an antioxidant and ligand, but also as a salt-bridge sensing array. Due to its unique ligand property, Miror Extensive Protocol Formula molecules can attach to and dissolve organic materials that lack human-identifiable functional salt bridges (acid/base bonds in large human protein molecules). Not only is Miror Extensive Protocol Formula safe for internal use, but it can strengthen salt bridges in cells that are merely weak and can be repaired.

Extensive Protocol Formula dissolves all pathogens, including those with biofilms 
by breaking their molecular bonds and releasing their constituent peptides and atoms. Miror Extensive Protocol Formulan, likewise, dissolves endotoxins (toxins released when a pathogen dies) and excreted toxins (metabolic wastes or substances released by pathogens to help them colonize the host body) into peptide components that can be readily eliminated from the body. This unique capability makes it a supportive tool for helping restore health to persons with old, chronic infections of Lyme's and other pathogens and their deposited toxins.

Extensive Protocol Formula is made from:

  • Plant Esters
  • Clove Oil
  • Rosemary Oil
  • Eugenol
  • Thyme Oil

Miror Extensive Protocol Formula's Ingredients Were Synergystically and Painstakingly Put Together

Synergy means a sum that is far greater than the parts and herbal synergy is not easily achieved since haphazardly adding herbs together can produce both positive and negative results, rather than a multiplication effect such as has been achieved in the case of Miror Extensive Protocol Formula. Creating a multi-herb synergy requires painstaking work, since each single herb is like a single musical note and incorrectly combining them creates dissonance rather than harmony and synergy. Miror Extensive Protocol Formula is a perfect herbal composition.

What Does Extensive Protocol Formula Dissolve and Why Does That Matter?

  • Miror Extensive Protocol Formula is able to dissolve pathogens with biofilms and other protective coatings by breaking the pathogen and biofilm molecular bonds (of first the biofilm and then the pathogen inside) and releasing their constituent peptides and atoms (dissolving them).
  • Miror Extensive Protocol Formula also dissolves endotoxins (toxins that form when a pathogen dies) and excreted toxins (toxic biomediators or toxic metabolic wastes) into peptide components and molecules that can be readily eliminated from the body.
  • This unique dissolving capability is different than merely killing pathogens and leaving their dead bodies and deposited toxins to be cleaned by one's lymph system, kidneys and liver.
  • Many people suffer chronically from pathogens that their body never quite overcomes (low grade infections) — resulting either from a weakened immune system or a "sick" environment in which they work or live. Likewise, many people's health is impacted adversely by toxins that the body has been unable to get rid of. Miror Extensive Protocol Formula solves both issues.

Taking Extensive Protocol Formula For a Few Months Can Do Wonders at Lowering Toxicity

With continued use, Extensive Protocol Formula has shown the ability to reduce previously overwhelming pathogenic and toxin burdens in the body that prevent cells and tissues from, otherwise, ever regaining optimal health.

Thus, Extensive Protocol Formula helps one’s body achieve a healthier cellular composition and function. Persons with decades of poor health associated to pathogenic, chemical or heavy metal damage are achieving revitalized life as a result of this powerful product.

Product Condition: New
Brand: Miror
Product Code: oil

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